Canopy Tent Jacks
The canopy tent jack is designed to take time and labor hours out of installing a frame tent. It will increase the productivity of crew setup times. Once you've completed the top of your tent frame, use the frame tent jack to hold up your frame while you attach the legs during setup or remove the legs during tear down.

Positioning Tent Jacks
Two legs of the jack base should always be under the tent.
Place your jacks every 15 feet. The exact location and spacing will depend on the weight of the frame, hip or gable configuration, and the quality and lifting capacity of your tent jack.
Secure the jack strap CLOSE to the connectors. Never connect a jack strap to the middle of an eave tube as you risk bending the tube.
When lifting the frame, place the jack mast approximately 6" away from the outside of the frame eave prior to lifting.

Tech Tip: Tent Jacks
Rainier Canopy Tent Jacks maximize efficiency for tent frame installs. Check out Rainier Tent Tech Tips to learn more about proper use.